What is underwriting?
What commercial broadcasters call “advertising,” we in public media refer to as “underwriting.”
We fund our programming by asking businesses and other organizations for financial support.
Why become an underwriter?
Bolster corporate image
Public media supporters benefit from the “halo effect” of being associated with KEDT and its mission to make a meaningful contribution to our community. Nearly 85% of consumers believe such marketing creates a positive image for funders, and nearly 75% of PBS viewers believe PBS underwriters are committed to quality and excellence. (Source: Roper Worldwide: PBS Image Study)
Cut through the (marketing) clutter
KEDT offers underwriters the opportunity to see greater impact with targeted messages delivered to a desirable audience. Listeners and viewers respect public media’s dignified approach to recognizing underwriters, an approach reinforced by FCC regulations prohibiting “hard sell” spots. With fewer, non-programming minutes per hour than commercial networks, underwriters benefit from a message delivered within a high-quality, uncluttered environment.
Build relationships in the community
Underwriting with KEDT demonstrates good corporate citizenship, and assists with building
lasting relationships in our growing community.
What rules govern public media underwriting?
Underwriting spots thank and identify funders. Generally, the spots maintain a non-commercial tone in keeping with the nature of public broadcasting. The intent is to provide the greatest amount of publicity for program underwriters without compromising KEDT’s non-commercial license. Many existing images and broadcasting spots are acceptable for KEDT use; others may need only minor changes. The same guidelines apply to for-profit and non-profit entities. KEDT reserves the right to review and approve all underwriting material. KEDT reserves the right to remove previously approved material if the station later determines the material is not consistent with or does not comply with guidelines.
Underwriting messages should
Make an association between the funder and the program or station, as well as indicate support for KEDT. (EXAMPLE: “Support for Morning Edition comes from XYZ Corporation…”)
Underwriting messages may
• Identify and depict the underwriter’s products or services.
• Show a logo.
• Use a well-established slogan or corporate positioning statement.
• Show a telephone number, address, website, and social media channels.
Underwriting messages may not
• Use comparative or superlative language.
• Offer price (including “free”), discount or financing information.
• Use calls to action directing the viewer to call, visit try or compare.
• Use inducement-to-buy statements.
• Include endorsements.
• Be anonymous.
Underwriting messages next to children’s programming
The underwriting credit must identify the underwriter, and may also include a brief, generic, value-neutral description of the underwriter’s product or service. The credit may use the underwriter’s logo in video. Product depictions are not allowed. An underwriter’s name or logo many not be shown on a product package. The remainder of the credit should be either a message of support for public television or a message that promotes learning and education. Internet addresses may not direct viewers to sites containing commercial material.
“Microsoft Home supports Sesame Street and other programs that further learning, exploration and discovery.”
“Exercise your head – read! Daniel Tiger is brought to you in part by Nike.”
“Peg + Cat is make possible in part by a grant from Kellogg’s, who reminds viewers to take time each day for reading.”
To add KEDT underwriting to your marketing mix, please contact Myra Lombardo at (361) 855-2213
or email her at
Thank you!